Gemstones have particular importance in Indian astrology because they can protect the person from the ill effects of the planets with their power. Based on a horoscope or zodiac calculation, the person is advised to wear a gemstone. In western countries, where there is no custom of horoscope, people consider a fixed gem for each month their ‘birthstone’. In India, too many people have started adopting this method. Earlier, information was given about the birthstone of August – Peridot. This time we are providing information about Peridot’s substitute birthstone – Alexandrite, so that whenever you buy this gemstone, the seller does not confuse you.
Thousands of foreign tourists visit India annually to buy coloured gems and take them away. Because of the growing gems business day by day, it is also necessary for Indian retail gem traders to know the ‘birthstones’ of western countries so that they can sell gems to foreign tourists according to their beliefs.
With the arrival of Alexandrite in the world of Gemstones, only a little time has passed, but still, this gem has become very valuable because of its characteristics. It is worn in western countries as August’s birthstone as a substitute for Peridot.
Characteristic of Alexandrite:
Alexandrite is not associated with legends, tales or beliefs of miraculous powers, yet it has one characteristic that sets it apart from other gemstones.
Alexandrite has the characteristic of changing its colors very dramatically. It appears blue-green in sunlight throughout the day but turns red in artificial light at night. There is no change of colors in the light of tube light.
History of Alexandrite:
In 1834 a mineralogist from Finland, Norden shield, discovered a strange mineral in emerald mines in the Russian Ural mountain range. This mineral became famous in later times by the name of ‘Alexandrite’.
It was a coincidence that the day this gem was discovered was the birthday of Tsar Alexander II of Russia. To honor their ruler, the Russians named this gem Alexandrite.
Alexandrite can be used as a symbol of nobility, but at the same time, it can also be a symbol of high feels like a sacrifice.
“Gift Alexandrite on 55th Wedding Anniversary”
It was a show of immense respect by the people of Russia for that great patriot. After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881, the qualities mentioned earlier were added to this gem.
Alexandrite, the name given to this gem, gave immortality to Alexander II.
It is also a strange coincidence that, like this gem, the color of the Royal Security Guards of Russia uniform is also red and green.
The custom of an Alexandrite between two diamonds:
The Russians revere Alexander the Liberator so much that they were not content with naming the gem alexandrite after him but also found a unique way to honor that royal attribute. In jewelry, an alexandrite set between two diamonds was considered to reflect the qualities of a king, and thus began the custom of wearing a diamond and alexandrite ring.
Alexandrite: National Gem of Russia:
Efforts are on to declare Alexandrite as the national gem of Russia. This effort will be successful.
The Russians say that this gem is a valid symbol of their feelings. There is a mixture of intelligence, tolerance and good behavior, but it also shows determination and always being ready for self-sacrifice.
Properties of Alexandrite
Lahsunia, or Vaiduryamani, called Cat’s Eye in English, is a sibling of Alexandrite because both are gems of the chrysoberyl group.
The chemical properties of both are the same. That is, they are composed of beryllium, aluminium and oxygen. The chemical formula for Alexandrite is beryllium aluminium oxide (BeAlO).
Its hardness on Moh’s scale is estimated at 8.5. Being extremely hard, it does not get scratched easily. Hence it is a suitable gem to be set in a ring. The main reason for the color change in Alexandrite is the presence of chromium in it. It absorbs orange, yellow and green rays from white light. Hence red and blue-green color appears in the gem. The ratio of colors of Alexandrite gets disturbed due to changes in the light angle falling over the stone.
Primary sources of obtaining Alexandrite:
Until the 20th century, emerald mines located in the Ural mountain range remained the only source of Alexandrite.
It is said that a block of Alexandrite weighing 531.5 carats was obtained from this mine a long time ago. Unfortunately, the buyer of such a big piece was not found and had to be sold in small pieces only.
It is also available in small quantities in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Siberia. Sri Lankan Alexandrite quality is also much better.
In the last few years, the deposits of Alexandrite found in the Llacaka region of Madagascar have changed all the equations of the gemstone market.
Sources of Alexandrite in India:
The states of Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh have deposits of Alexandrite.
Devbhog in the Raipur district of Chhattisgarh state, Sambalpur, Koraput, and Kalahandi areas of Orissa, the local people often find these gems scattered on the earth.
Why are Alexandrite prices high?
Since Alexandrite’s status is similar to that of precious gems because of its rarity, it is found in minimal quantities, and a lot of soil has to be dug. Best-quality alexandrite prices can go up to $30,000 per carat.
Alexandrite has gained popularity in the last 20-25 years, so its prices have also been affected in the same proportion. Due to its attractive appearance and impressive color change properties, Alexandrite from Ural is respected in the global gem market.
Identification of synthetic Alexandrite is difficult:
Due to the increasing demand and prices of Alexandrite, synthetic was made in the laboratories in 1973, in San Ramon, USA and 1980, in Novosibirsk, Russia. Identifying these synthetic gems is difficult, so they are sold as genuine, and prices are charged just like natural Alexandrite.
Precautions :
While buying Alexandrite, don’t fall prey to cheap fake gemstones. It is considered better to wear polaroid glasses on such occasions. These glasses are made of thin plastic. When the rays of light pass through that plastic, a high degree of magnetic attraction is generated.
Alexandrite Care:
Alexandrite is a hard stone, so it does not get scratched easily. It can be cleaned in a soap solution prepared in warm water.